
Our Ministerial Staff

Dr. Allen England- Senior Pastor
Dr. England has served in both the local church as well as in teaching/administration in higher education for almost 30 years. He has served as a Minister of Education and Executive Pastor for over 18 years in Southern Baptist churches in Kentucky, Alabama and Tennessee. Additionally, Dr. England has taught Christian Education, Leadership, and Administration for 12 years on the full-time faculty of a Bible college in Kentucky and at the full time faculty of a seminary in Louisiana. He served as Assistant Vice-President of Academic Support at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee. Dr. England has spoken widely across the Southern Baptist Convention. He has authored numerous articles and has coauthored a ministry leadership textbook that is currently used in several seminaries today.
Karen Nease – Church Secretary
Karen serves as the church secretary and oversees the church office. Feel free to give Karen a call at 865-933-3841 if you have any questions about the church.